Sunday, February 26, 2012


Well the weather has not been like winters previous. Everyone is wondering where all of the snow is. Since there was a bunch of cold and snowy days last year, this year will have less. The weather is warm from the fact that the weather last year was really cold. I do not think that there will be anything major this summer. It will be a little hot though.

Commented on Brittney's blog.


Getting paid for going to school will probably do one thing. It will make students want to come to school more, but that does not mean that they will. Whenever money is in the equation, kids will do just about anything. My thoughts are that it would be cool to get paid for attendance. I do not think it will work because the concept as a whole seems destined to fail. If our school did this, then the school store would have another daily customer. Good is that we have money, but the bad is that the money may not go to good things.

Commented on Austin's blog.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Tablet? Laptop? Desktop?

The future of computers can only go farther. Even though it seems we have everything, there is much more that can be done for computers. The tablet won't take over, it will only supplement the computers. Laptops will do the same. Everybody has their own specific preferences, so it just depends on what America wants. Advantages with the tablet is that it is portable and is more user friendly, but it is easier to break. The top selling tablet is the Kindle Fire according to

Commented on Caitlin's blog.

Unlimited Plan

This article is all about people not being able to use their cell phones because they run out of space since they have limited data plans. Like how Mike Trang runs out of data on his phone because all of his data is used up. All phone contracts have their own specific catches that makes customers pay that extra ten dollars per month. I just enjoy my phone as much as possible. It is not an AT&T phone, so I do not have to deal with this problem.

Commented on Rob's blog.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Apple Problems

All corporations have flaws. Everyone sees apple and thinks that nothing can be bad about it. If these articles are true about what is happening in China, then that isn't good. Previously to reading this article, I did not know about this. I own a few of the apple products such as the iPod Touch and an Apple computer. Well considering that all corporations have their own issues that we do not know about, I enjoy the apple products and they seem fine.

Commented on Austin's blog.

If I Could Vote...

Obama says "What's frustrated people is that I have not be able to force Congress to implement every aspect of what I said in 2008." As President of the United States, he can't force congress what to do. Congress comes up and approve or deny bills that come through that are believed will help society. So if Obama thinks it is good and helpful, congress still has to pass it. So really Obama has close to no power. His comment, "You get better as time goes on." is like saying you use crayons to color. Of course you get better as time goes on. He should have just been good when he started. If I could vote I wouldn't vote for him. But I don't really know who to vote for, so I won't.

Commented on Brittney's blog.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Self Direction

I will keep track by settings goals week by week in what I want to get done. I feel I will be able to stay on task because this class is very important and I need to do as much work as possible in order to finish our game. I won't create a timeline, but I will try to get at least one scene done per week. The hardest thing about self-direction is keeping on task. For most kids anyway, but not as much for me.

Commented on Brittney's blog