Saturday, March 30, 2013

Eyes on Art

I think that this is pretty interesting. I definitely feel like art can be experienced in all senses. We are mostly familiar with using our eyes to see things such as sculptures or paintings. The people in the article that used their hands to feel the art, showed an entire new way to interpret things through touch. Art for the ears, tongue, and nose can be things such as listening to music or taking a whiff of Blueberry pie and then going on to eat the pie. Art has many forms, it is just a matter of understanding what things are and how our sense play a major effect on our lives.


Commented on Austin's blog.

Report Cards

My grades are great. They always have been. Everybody strives for straight A's and you need to work hard for them. I am proud of Calculus grade because last year in math, I didn't do so hot. Now that my Math grade is in a better spot, it is a bit of a relief. My hardest classes are Calc. and APLit. My easiest have been Globaloria and Civics.


Commented on Austin's blog.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Recognition from Mrs. O'Connor

Sandra Day O'Connor served as an Associate Justice from her appointment in 1981 by Ronald Reagan until her retirement from the Court in 2006. She was the first woman to be appointed to the Court. She graduated from Stanford University. She has done many things that are important to our history. Too many to list, so I'll keep this short. Prior to O'Connor's appointment to the Court, she was an elected official and judge in Arizona. She ruled in many cases while being on the Supreme Court and is now retired. She is 82 years old.

Couldn't find anyone to comment on... I would have if I found one.

Picture for Words 2 Pope Edition

These people here are rejoicing over the new Pope. The new Pope, Pope Francis I is the first Pope from Latin America. Latin America is predominantly Catholic, so they rejoiced more than anyone when they had a Pope from their own land. I feel that Pope Francis I will be a good Pope. I am sure Pope Francis I will do the best he can to serve the Catholic community.

Commented on Caitlin's blog.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

3D Computing

I think that this 3D computer is very interesting. I feel that like all new things, it will be difficult to use, but after a bit of time using it, it will be easy to use. If this is easy enough to navigate, I can see these types of computers being used in the future. In the future, I would like to have one of these computers. Assuming all of the bugs are fixed and it works perfectly, it will set up all kinds of new technology.

Commented on Caitlin's blog.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Pictures in a WEEk!! Pistorius

Oscar Pistorius was a blade runner before he was convicted for murdering his girlfriend. Being a blade runner means that you are an amputee. He was an amputee whenever he was not even a year old. He was an olympic runner even though he was an amputee. His situation is one that leaves people befuddled and there has been an investigation, but we don't know for a fact what happened.....


Commented on Robbie's blog.


The Sequestration is about the economy and federal budget. Most people that have federal jobs are losing them to save $85 Billion. The unemployment rate is going to increase. Basically whoever is in control of the government *cough* Obama *cough* needs to step it up, as well as the men and women in congress. Things really need to change. BUT, things are not gonna be "good" for a loooooooong time.

Commented on Robbie's blog.