Sunday, September 25, 2011

First Mini Game

This week was really fun. We got to start out with flash and made our first mini game. Now that it is finished, we all get to make our own mini game that reflects what we did in the past week. it took our class like twice as long as the other classes, so I decided to leave that class and join that small group 9th period. I didn't have a group in the old class, but now that I am in this new class I will be able to get more done. Also, since I am in this new class I will be able to receive more help if I would need it. I didn't have very much of my mini game done, but now I am very close to finishing it since I am in this new class. All this week if I needed help, I wouldn't get it right away due to there being a Million people in the class. The mini game was very fun to create, and I can't imagine what it is like for the major programmers making all of these ridiculously awesome games that are major hits. They have better equipment and better programs, it still looks like it would be really hard to do though. I look forward to doing more flash this year and hope to get good at it so that I won't be needing help all of the time. 'MERICA!

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