Sunday, April 29, 2012

Game Over

May 7 is rapidly approaching and is a bittersweet day. It is good because we will get advice from the reviewers, but bad because we don't have very much time. We will then have to present our game with everything that is finished. Currently, my game is not done. There are few things that need to be finished, and it should be able to be finished in time. I won't quit, even after my partner is now MIA, it will be hard, but I should be fine. And yes, this year needs to slow down for this class only, all of the other classes can go away.
How I feel now
Commented on Brittney's blog.

End of the World

The weather is just the weather. It is weird that the temperatures in the past months have been warmer in the colder month and colder in the warmer month. The weather fronts we receive from Canada cause these crazy temperatures somehow, I am not sure exactly what the science of it is. There are many factors that can lead to "global warming" and the statistics on global warming show us that things may not go well from here. Honestly, I do not think the world will end in my lifetime.

For The LOLZ
Commented on Austin's blog.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Stolen Penguin.

They were drunk, so they did something stupid, just like all of the other drunk people of the world. He stole the penguin because he was drunk, like I said people do dumb things when they're drunk. the charges are going to be what the article said, they will be charged on trespassing, stealing and unlawfully keeping a protected animal. Well honestly, once they go through their time in jail they will be regretting it, but now, I doubt they are. What i think about this is drunk people are dumb, and they will do stupid things while under the influence of alcohol.

Commented on Cailtin's blog. 

Arctic Technology

I think that it was cool that they were able to get the footage of the animals and nature. It is unlike what you see on animal planet. I think this was more interesting than other things on animals and nature that I have heard about. There needs to be more of this for everyone to see. The Planet Earth series brings a whole new perspective for people that know nothing or very little about nature
Image of the Arctic

Commented on Austin's blog.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

...and Then There Were 30...

My grades are good right now, but they can be better. Due to being in a lot of honors classes and an AP class, it is hard to maintain perfect grades. There are many things I wish I could have done differently, but everything happens for a reason. I feel that procrastinating hasn't left a negative effect on any grades, just getting a bit more stressed out is all that really happened. Overall, this year has been good, with some good and some bad, but it has been fine.
Commented on Caitlin's blog.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Stop, Drop, and check your Smoke Detectors.

Since it is part of the International Property Maintenance Code to have smoke detectors basically everywhere, it seems to put the people who lived there in a bad spot. I feel bad for the family that lived there. Also for the friends of the family that lived close to there. The people that lived in the house should pay for something because they weren't following proper regulations. However, at the same time, they must be sympathized for.

Commented on Caitlin's blog.

Spring Break 2012

This spring break, I will be playing basketball, football, video games, like Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 with my friends, and hanging around my house with my little brother. My Dad's spring break was last week. My little brother and I have this week. Then next week is my Mom's. Since I will be home alone for the morning, that means I get to make breakfast like one of my favorites, French toast with cinnamon, vanilla, or both. I will be spending time watching TV as well along with playing sports with my friends. My two older brothers will be coming home for Easter break on Holy Thursday or Good Friday. So while they are here, I will be able to spend a few days with them before they go back to school. On Easter Sunday, I will go to church and get and and other things in an Easter basket as we do every Easter with my family. I think that I will have a fun and quality spring break.

French Toast
Easter Basket

Commented on Austin's blog.