Sunday, February 24, 2013

Break in Spring

I am excited that Spring Break is approaching. It is always good to have a break from school. I am not sure what I am going to do for Spring Break, but I imagine that I will make my way up to Pittsburgh. If I'm not playing Xbox, doing homework, or in Pittsburgh, I will surely be sleeping. If I could do anything, I would wish to stay home and hang out with friends. Just have a fun, laid back break.

Sights of Pittsburgh

Commented on Caitlin's blog.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Here is my latest Vlog

The Big Idea: Provide an update on your team's game topic. What is the most important concept you want your players to learn?
Making Decisions as a Team: How did your team's ideas about the game topic change over time?
Roles & Responsibilities: Tell us more about your team process. Please each talk about your specific roles, and how you work together.
Research: What kind of research went into your game topic? What did you learn about your topic? What message do you want the player to understand?
The User Experience: Explain the actions players take in your game. How do you play it? What decisions were made about features to include, and how did you decide?
Mastering Flash: What Flash resources have been most helpful in your learning so far, and why? How did you locate these resources?
Overcoming Challenges: What curriculum topic has been most difficult for you so far? How did you overcome this difficulty? What programming features are you most proud of in your game?

Didn't get to the video in time, but here are the answers to the questions above.

The Big Idea: My team's game topic is still based on the presidents. However, it is now based solely on the presidents and not towards running to be the president yourself. The most important concept in my game will be for the players to learn and be educated on some of the presidents.

Making Decisions as a Team: Well, my change wasn't a major change, but it was a noteworthy change. I decided my approach to learning about the presidents wasn't as good as my new idea, so I switched to my new idea.

Roles & Responsibilities: Being by myself, I do all of the work for my game. I just go into class and pick up where I left off from the previous day. I will keep going until I finish my game, and then I will go back and fine tune it all.

Research: I already knew basic facts about the presidents in my game, but I had to research certain things they did and dates they occurred for accuracy in my game. I will try the best I can to recreate situations that were important in the president's time in office. I want the players to understand that being the president is a very difficult thing to do and entails a lot of work. I want it to be a fun way for kids to learn about the presidents.

The User Experience: The player is just your average person. The player is visiting a museum that specializes in presidents. It is an interactive museum, which is where the gameplay comes in. The player gets to see a profile of the president and then gets to choose what they will do with the president. The features, such as the president profile will add that extra bit of info that will help the player learn about the president.

Mastering Flash: I already know a decent amount of code, but for anything that I want to try out that I need help with, I will ask my Globaloria II friends Austin and Caitlin about some stuff. Also, I could go on the wiki to find other code that I might use.

Overcoming Challenges: The only difficult thing this year has been following the new curriculum. The one from last year was much better. I am overcoming it by just doing the work and getting through it. The programming features that I am most proud of are my awesome story line and cool animations.

Commented on Austin's blog.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Kid Napping ZzZzZz

This situation was terrible. It sucks that it happened. I think that the bus driver was brave to try and stall the kidnapper. It is sad that he had to lose his life. The man was most likely messed up in the head, so there is no telling what he would do. I don't know hat the little boy went through while kidnapped, but I can't imagine how he is dealing with it. There needs to be more security on school buses to prevent something like this from happening again.

This looks like a suitable school bus

Commented on Caitlin's blog.

Floating Automobiles

The future is about as predictable as the weather. We do not know what will be in store for us until it actually happens. Anything is possible, so why not flying cars. Flying cars will be very hazardous, there are too many imperfections to list. What would happen if you were flying and your car malfunctioned? It wouldn't end very well. Travel will be very different. I bet we will be able to teleport eventually.

Commented on Austin's blog.

Sunday, February 3, 2013


Weather is less predictable than women... With that said, We never know what we are gonna get. The temperature has to do with the changing seasons and many other factors. I feel like the weather has its mood swings and it does what it wants. I feel like global warming is a myth. It ain't real.

Cool Weather

Commented on Austin's Blog.

Learning about my game...

I have learned about my game topic. The research that I've done since I started my game teaches me things I did not know before. I have been making president profiles for my game, so I am learning about them as I find info I am gonna put in my game. I can always look things up on google if I want to learn thing. Also, I can look in textbooks. There are many ways to learn by yourself.


Commented on Austin's blog.