Saturday, May 25, 2013
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Test and Debug
Well, I came across my fair share of problems in my game. It usually dealt with drawings taking a good amount of time, code not working, and having any type of symbol problems. I could create my drawings and make them look pretty nice, but they just sometimes took a bit of time to do. Any time there was a problem I did my best to figure out what was wrong. If I couldn't get it, I would ask my friends, and if they couldn't get it, I would ask Ms. Kail or the help desk. There are many ways to get help while working with your game.
Code Crashing
Commented on Caitlin's blog.
Code Crashing
Commented on Caitlin's blog.
Combing Files
WEll, I have nothing to combine for my game since I was the only on on my team. I only had one file that I worked on. This is going to be a short blog. Globaloria is fun. I liked it a lot.
It is STEVE JOBS!!!!
Commented on Caitlin's blog.
It is STEVE JOBS!!!!
Commented on Caitlin's blog.
if(player) hittest computer();
then( the player will experience a fun and enjoyable game that takes the player to a museum with the presidents on Mount Rushmore also the player will have fun doing things such as crossing the Delaware River during the revolutionary war, making Napoleon Bonaparte deal with the Louisiana Purchase, making the Panama Canal, as well as uniting the United States after the Civil war.)
That was my attempt with Pseudocode. I hope that this is close to what was wanted for this blog.
Commented on Austin's blog.
then( the player will experience a fun and enjoyable game that takes the player to a museum with the presidents on Mount Rushmore also the player will have fun doing things such as crossing the Delaware River during the revolutionary war, making Napoleon Bonaparte deal with the Louisiana Purchase, making the Panama Canal, as well as uniting the United States after the Civil war.)
That was my attempt with Pseudocode. I hope that this is close to what was wanted for this blog.
Commented on Austin's blog.
Construct Code
Whenever I have an error in my code, I immediately think of 3 things. The 3 things are is the instance name correct, do I have correct placement for my semicolons, and is my code actually correct. There were multiple times where my code didn't work. Most of the time it was when I forgot to type in a semicolon. However, there were other times where I had the instance name typed in wrong and sometimes I made up random code that I thought would work, but didn't.
Commented on Austin's blog.
Commented on Austin's blog.
Team Development plan again
What is the most difficult concept to teach for your game topic? How are you finding tutorials and thinking about design to teach others this concept?
There isn't one main concept of learning in my game. The main bit of learning is about the presidents that are in my game. So the fact of teaching and making it fun to learn about the presidents is the hardest part. I didn't necessarily have any specific tutorials for this since I have already been through the class and know how to do most of the coding and other workings of the game. So, from my previous knowledge of the coding, I used my own ideas for design from my experience last year.
Commented on Austin's blog.
There isn't one main concept of learning in my game. The main bit of learning is about the presidents that are in my game. So the fact of teaching and making it fun to learn about the presidents is the hardest part. I didn't necessarily have any specific tutorials for this since I have already been through the class and know how to do most of the coding and other workings of the game. So, from my previous knowledge of the coding, I used my own ideas for design from my experience last year.
Commented on Austin's blog.
Sunday, April 14, 2013
It is her decision whether or not to reveal her sources. She said to her sources that they would be confidential, but if she doesn't say who they are, she could go to jail. She might not be able to be friends with the people if she says who they are, but she wont go to jail. (Said in a sarcastic tone). She should do what she thinks is necessary for her, with no other variables. She should share her sources.
Commented on Caitlin's blog.
Commented on Caitlin's blog.
Margaret Thatcher was the Prime Minister of the U.K. She had many nicknames. The Iron Lady being the most well known. She got this nickname because of her hard approach to the cold war. She was a very good friend of Ronald Reagan. Her actions with the Cold War seem to be the most notable.
Commented on Austin's blog.
Saturday, March 30, 2013
Eyes on Art
I think that this is pretty interesting. I definitely feel like art can be experienced in all senses. We are mostly familiar with using our eyes to see things such as sculptures or paintings. The people in the article that used their hands to feel the art, showed an entire new way to interpret things through touch. Art for the ears, tongue, and nose can be things such as listening to music or taking a whiff of Blueberry pie and then going on to eat the pie. Art has many forms, it is just a matter of understanding what things are and how our sense play a major effect on our lives.
Commented on Austin's blog.
Report Cards
My grades are great. They always have been. Everybody strives for straight A's and you need to work hard for them. I am proud of Calculus grade because last year in math, I didn't do so hot. Now that my Math grade is in a better spot, it is a bit of a relief. My hardest classes are Calc. and APLit. My easiest have been Globaloria and Civics.
Commented on Austin's blog.
Commented on Austin's blog.
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Recognition from Mrs. O'Connor
Sandra Day O'Connor served as an Associate Justice from her appointment in 1981 by Ronald Reagan until her retirement from the Court in 2006. She was the first woman to be appointed to the Court. She graduated from Stanford University. She has done many things that are important to our history. Too many to list, so I'll keep this short. Prior to O'Connor's appointment to the Court, she was an elected official and judge in Arizona. She ruled in many cases while being on the Supreme Court and is now retired. She is 82 years old.
Couldn't find anyone to comment on... I would have if I found one.
Couldn't find anyone to comment on... I would have if I found one.
Picture for Words 2 Pope Edition
These people here are rejoicing over the new Pope. The new Pope, Pope Francis I is the first Pope from Latin America. Latin America is predominantly Catholic, so they rejoiced more than anyone when they had a Pope from their own land. I feel that Pope Francis I will be a good Pope. I am sure Pope Francis I will do the best he can to serve the Catholic community.

Commented on Caitlin's blog.
Commented on Caitlin's blog.
Sunday, March 10, 2013
3D Computing
I think that this 3D computer is very interesting. I feel that like all new things, it will be difficult to use, but after a bit of time using it, it will be easy to use. If this is easy enough to navigate, I can see these types of computers being used in the future. In the future, I would like to have one of these computers. Assuming all of the bugs are fixed and it works perfectly, it will set up all kinds of new technology.
Commented on Caitlin's blog.
Commented on Caitlin's blog.
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Pictures in a WEEk!! Pistorius
Oscar Pistorius was a blade runner before he was convicted for murdering his girlfriend. Being a blade runner means that you are an amputee. He was an amputee whenever he was not even a year old. He was an olympic runner even though he was an amputee. His situation is one that leaves people befuddled and there has been an investigation, but we don't know for a fact what happened.....
Commented on Robbie's blog.
Commented on Robbie's blog.
The Sequestration is about the economy and federal budget. Most people that have federal jobs are losing them to save $85 Billion. The unemployment rate is going to increase. Basically whoever is in control of the government *cough* Obama *cough* needs to step it up, as well as the men and women in congress. Things really need to change. BUT, things are not gonna be "good" for a loooooooong time.
Commented on Robbie's blog.
Commented on Robbie's blog.
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Break in Spring
I am excited that Spring Break is approaching. It is always good to have a break from school. I am not sure what I am going to do for Spring Break, but I imagine that I will make my way up to Pittsburgh. If I'm not playing Xbox, doing homework, or in Pittsburgh, I will surely be sleeping. If I could do anything, I would wish to stay home and hang out with friends. Just have a fun, laid back break.
Sights of Pittsburgh
Commented on Caitlin's blog.
Sights of Pittsburgh
Commented on Caitlin's blog.
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Here is my latest Vlog
The Big Idea: Provide an update on your team's game topic. What is the most important concept you want your players to learn?
Making Decisions as a Team: How did your team's ideas about the game topic change over time?
Roles & Responsibilities: Tell us more about your team process. Please each talk about your specific roles, and how you work together.
Research: What kind of research went into your game topic? What did you learn about your topic? What message do you want the player to understand?
The User Experience: Explain the actions players take in your game. How do you play it? What decisions were made about features to include, and how did you decide?
Mastering Flash: What Flash resources have been most helpful in your learning so far, and why? How did you locate these resources?
Overcoming Challenges: What curriculum topic has been most difficult for you so far? How did you overcome this difficulty? What programming features are you most proud of in your game?
Didn't get to the video in time, but here are the answers to the questions above.
The Big Idea: My team's game topic is still based on the presidents. However, it is now based solely on the presidents and not towards running to be the president yourself. The most important concept in my game will be for the players to learn and be educated on some of the presidents.
Making Decisions as a Team: Well, my change wasn't a major change, but it was a noteworthy change. I decided my approach to learning about the presidents wasn't as good as my new idea, so I switched to my new idea.
Roles & Responsibilities: Being by myself, I do all of the work for my game. I just go into class and pick up where I left off from the previous day. I will keep going until I finish my game, and then I will go back and fine tune it all.
Research: I already knew basic facts about the presidents in my game, but I had to research certain things they did and dates they occurred for accuracy in my game. I will try the best I can to recreate situations that were important in the president's time in office. I want the players to understand that being the president is a very difficult thing to do and entails a lot of work. I want it to be a fun way for kids to learn about the presidents.
The User Experience: The player is just your average person. The player is visiting a museum that specializes in presidents. It is an interactive museum, which is where the gameplay comes in. The player gets to see a profile of the president and then gets to choose what they will do with the president. The features, such as the president profile will add that extra bit of info that will help the player learn about the president.
Mastering Flash: I already know a decent amount of code, but for anything that I want to try out that I need help with, I will ask my Globaloria II friends Austin and Caitlin about some stuff. Also, I could go on the wiki to find other code that I might use.
Overcoming Challenges: The only difficult thing this year has been following the new curriculum. The one from last year was much better. I am overcoming it by just doing the work and getting through it. The programming features that I am most proud of are my awesome story line and cool animations.
Commented on Austin's blog.
Commented on Austin's blog.
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Kid Napping ZzZzZz
This situation was terrible. It sucks that it happened. I think that the bus driver was brave to try and stall the kidnapper. It is sad that he had to lose his life. The man was most likely messed up in the head, so there is no telling what he would do. I don't know hat the little boy went through while kidnapped, but I can't imagine how he is dealing with it. There needs to be more security on school buses to prevent something like this from happening again.
Commented on Caitlin's blog.
Commented on Caitlin's blog.
Floating Automobiles
The future is about as predictable as the weather. We do not know what will be in store for us until it actually happens. Anything is possible, so why not flying cars. Flying cars will be very hazardous, there are too many imperfections to list. What would happen if you were flying and your car malfunctioned? It wouldn't end very well. Travel will be very different. I bet we will be able to teleport eventually.
Commented on Austin's blog.
Commented on Austin's blog.
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Weather is less predictable than women... With that said, We never know what we are gonna get. The temperature has to do with the changing seasons and many other factors. I feel like the weather has its mood swings and it does what it wants. I feel like global warming is a myth. It ain't real.
Commented on Austin's Blog.
Commented on Austin's Blog.
Learning about my game...
I have learned about my game topic. The research that I've done since I started my game teaches me things I did not know before. I have been making president profiles for my game, so I am learning about them as I find info I am gonna put in my game. I can always look things up on google if I want to learn thing. Also, I can look in textbooks. There are many ways to learn by yourself.
Commented on Austin's blog.
Commented on Austin's blog.
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Well, All of these will be used in the future. They all have their own perks to why they are good. I won't be surprised if there will be more types of technology that will go long with these ones. I think this because technology will never go away and we are always thinking of new things to make them all better. Tablets wouldn't work very well for globaloria I don't think. Desktops are good for in class, but if Globaloria was a big thing at our school, we could get our own Laptops with flash, so that we could use them and work on our things at any time.
Commented on Caitlin's blog.
Commented on Caitlin's blog.
Obama... and FDR
Well, if he took the oath of office 4 times, he will be the president for 12 more years. Obama does he wants pretty much, so apparently things just happened and he took the oath of office 4 times. There was only was one other president to do this. Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the last president to do this. He was president from March 4, 1933 - April 12, 1945 when he died.
Commented on Austin's Blog
Commented on Austin's Blog
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Guns Guns Guns
I don't like posting my beliefs on things like this... so I'll try my best to answer the question. I don't know what to think about this. Placing a law that prohibits guns is unconstitutional. Anyone knows that. Straight up unconstitutional. Gun control isn't needed. All of this is extremely annoying because everyone thinks they are right and nobody budges on anything anymore and things are going downhill. I don't like talking about this, so I'll stop here.
Commented on Caitlin's blog
Commented on Caitlin's blog
So Facebook is trying to compete with Twitter, but will it work? Basically this new feature thing has something to do with common interests. I am fairly certain it goes as follows. I like this movie. This other person likes them same movie. And since we both like that movie, something will happen. Not entirely sure, but something to that effect. I use Facebook rarely, and I use it to talk to friends and stuff. All we have to do is wait and see.
Commented on Caitlin's blog.
Commented on Caitlin's blog.
Sunday, January 6, 2013
SWF Drag and Drop
This is Travis' FILE!!! Here is a link to Travis' Team!!! I really like what I see. The Animation was cool as well as Everything else. I Can't wait to see what will come of this game at the end of the year.
Commented on Austin's blog.
I CAN"T GET TEH SWF TO WORK!!! I'll fix it later. Anyway, Here is a link to his file.
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