Sunday, December 4, 2011

Adding Sound

We will incorporate sound in our game win gunfire, troops yelling or something like that, other various sounds, and we will have Roosevelt speeches in the background of our title scene. The sounds of the troops and gunfire with help make the effect that you are actually there fighting against the spanish in the Spanish-American War.

Commented on Jalen's blog

Assembling My Demo

After working on our demo for the past few weeks, I have a better understanding of how the game will work. New ideas have come up that will hopefully be put into the final game. We will try to put in more of a story to the game to give its campaign more commodity. While working I haven't really learned much more than I already knew. I don't feel like i've learned anything new because I haven't really researched anything since earlier this year. When it comes to making the game next semester, I will be researching more to find more interesting things. Ways that I can improve self-learning skills are by doing more research and more studying on Theodore Roosevelt.
Commented on Austin's blog.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

My brothers are coming down from college to hang out with us in Charleston, then we will take them back up to college at Saint Vincent College. BUT before all of that, we will go our grandparents house for a second thanksgiving dinner. We usually have thanksgiving dinner with them every year, so this could be considered a tradition. My mom cooks a turkey, and stuffing from scratch. She also makes mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, and rolls. It's a feast. With my three days, I get to do Chemistry. 

commented: gary

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Did he also represent the lollipop guild??

His father might have been ashamed of him, so he had all of these rituals done in hope to make him taller. Although doing witch doctor rituals may not have ben the best way to try and make him taller. His dad was probably jealous of Robert Wadlow. If I was his dad, I wouldn't know what to do. I'm not a dad. If I was Karl, I would have done the same things he had done. I would have protested with my father if he wanted to sell me.

I commented on Austin's blog.

Adding the Scenes

I am using visual storytelling to help the players understand what will be going on in our game. Following along with each of the scenes allows the players to get a better inside story to how our game should turn out. I don't remember any of the playing to learn games that I played had a story to it, but there probably were some that I just didn't get to play. Many storytelling games are very fun to follow because once a player gets into the story, they want to play the game until it is finished. Just like many of the campaigns of the first person shooters out today such as HALO REACH and CALL OF DUTY: MODERN WARFARE 3. Our game will obviously not be as good as the call of duty series, but with theodore Roosevelt being a prolific figure in american history, hopefully players will get caught onto our game, Assault in Cuba.

I commented on Henry's blog,

Sunday, November 13, 2011

But what if the robot dog was blind?... Then we would probably blog about it.

The robot is programmed to never fail, so having a regular dog might make walking be bad. Some disadvantages would be if the program for the dog would go wrong, then there would be a random blind person with no guidance which wouldn't end well. I don't know if I'd rather have robotic or real dog. as a pet, a robot dog, but for a seeing-eye dog, I would want a real dog. Good seeing-eye dogs are more likely to not fail because they are taught to lead their owner to their destination safely. I feel that the robot would not be as efficient as a real dog.

Commented on Brittney's blog.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Developing Our Primary Scene Blog

One of the flash topics we will use is the health bar. We will use it in order to keep track of the soldiers health during the battle. The information in our game will open a new aspect of learning to kids that do not know very much about this time period of the SPAM War. Yes, by stating facts, one can memorize these facts about this time if they play this game a lot. If they do play this game a lot, they will see the facts more and have a better chance to understand them. It can be improved by putting in more facts, or by incorporating another way to view the facts such as making a power point available to the player for a better understanding.

Commented on Austin's blog.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Yet another blind subject....

Stargardt's disease is a hereditary form of macular degeneration that causes irreversible blindness. it is hereditary, so it depends on ones genetic make up. If I wanted to keep running, I would do what all runners would do. I would get a eye-seeing dog that would help me run again. I would trust the dog after a while. we would start by doing short distance walks, then on to the big ones. Or, We could go over the course before we competed, so that the dog would be familiar with the track.


A new idea that my partner and I will incorporate into our game will be to make the soldiers arms move as they walk on the trail while they shoot at enemies. We learned how to do this when we watched a video on how to make their body parts move as they cross the screen. The source was from the video we watched on friday with the man explaining how to do it on flash. Since these videos are coming from professionals, what they say, or do will make a difference on what we will do in our game.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Blind Marching Band

These band members have a lot of guts when they not only play their instruments in front of hundreds of people, they are also blind. It is beyond imaginable that these blind musicians are actual performers. With a little bit of help from the helpers, they can maneuver around the field to make it seem like a well-oiled machine. They truly deserve a round of applause. I think that they learned how to play by hearing the music and then mimicking the sound with the instruments that they play.  I think they learn how to play their songs by repeating what they hear from the band instructor.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Imagining My Game

  • WHO are you designing your game for? All ages as long as they like to play games. This game will not be too, but as the game progresses, it will get harder. Some people that have not learned or been introduced to such subjects, such as the Presidents of the U.S.
  • WHAT will your game teach the player about your topic? This game will teach the players facts about Theodore Roosevelt's life and his military efforts in the SPAM war.
  • WHERE In Cuba.
    • Describe the world you will design for your game. It will be a mountainous region with green hills and some trees.
    • How will this setting add to the learning experience? This setting for the game will make it seem like how the battlefield may have been for Teddy Roosevelt and his troops.
  • HOW By making my game be like the terrain of Cuba, it may seem more realistic.
    • How the terrain is set up, the player will be able to adjust their playing style due to how the game looks in front of them.
    • When the players choose their character, they will choose based on the terrain of the level and how their weapons match up due to what they did in their lives before they came to the war.
  • WHY When students see a fun and interactive way to learn, they will think it will be better, since it appeals to them.
I commented on Jalen's post.

The Blind Adventurer

No, because it is experimental. It seems to work for some people, but it may be drastically different for other people. There are always commercials that say if you have taken this Experimental Drug, and you have suffered from this and that and you need compensation, call us here. Those drugs can kill. Experimental Drugs=Bad. It is a hard choice. I don't want to not have one of those senses.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Playing to Learn Blog

ALL of these games that I played were enjoyable. These games got all of the attention that they rightfully deserve. The math games and adventure games were fun to play. I didnt think that I would like the math games that I played, but they proved me wrong. The math game was good, but the game MeTycoon was my favorite. The concept was attractive and one could spend hours playing it. Also, MeTycoon was popular in my class. I didn't know about it, but then my fellow student Jace told me to play it and I enjoyed it. These games were all fun too play. Hopefully our class will be able to make awesome games like these for next year.

Thursday, October 6, 2011


My topic is Theodore Roosevelt. I chose him because I was inspired by his efforts in his life. I learned of the things he has done while I was taking nites in my history class. He is one of my favorite Presidents of all of them. He seemd very interesting with all of the endeavors he has done. He goes from hunting in Africa, to Being the 26th President of the USA. The websites that I got most of my info are these ones here. click the links to go!!!!, TEDDY roosevelt, THEODore.

I viewed::::::::::::::ROBBIES BLOGGGGGG

Sunday, September 25, 2011

First Mini Game

This week was really fun. We got to start out with flash and made our first mini game. Now that it is finished, we all get to make our own mini game that reflects what we did in the past week. it took our class like twice as long as the other classes, so I decided to leave that class and join that small group 9th period. I didn't have a group in the old class, but now that I am in this new class I will be able to get more done. Also, since I am in this new class I will be able to receive more help if I would need it. I didn't have very much of my mini game done, but now I am very close to finishing it since I am in this new class. All this week if I needed help, I wouldn't get it right away due to there being a Million people in the class. The mini game was very fun to create, and I can't imagine what it is like for the major programmers making all of these ridiculously awesome games that are major hits. They have better equipment and better programs, it still looks like it would be really hard to do though. I look forward to doing more flash this year and hope to get good at it so that I won't be needing help all of the time. 'MERICA!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Flash is very tough. I think that we will be able to understand it better with practice. Hopefully I can get my new movie uploaded by tomorrow. If not, I will have to wait until Monday for it to be up. The movie will contain a massive Poke ball trying to catch a terribly drawn Charizard. Charizard is such a bro and that is why I want to catch it. Adios.

The blog I commented on was JOHN's blog.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The answers for questions on the single story video
1. That place will have its own way or "single story" of its own way of how it came up and was brought up to make it unique. One place has its own certain characteristics that will make that own place special. Things such as stereotypes are in these areas and are parts of their single story.

2. Well in south hills, it is a very nice place filled to brim with resedential are. Most, if not all, of the families in south hills send their kids to JAMS and then GWHS. Both of those schools are well to do schools that have some of the best test scores in the state. South hills is a great place to live. Things mising could be anything that MAY have been left out while I was listening to people when I first moved here last year.To learn more about his area, one could go on the internet to find out random facts about the area that may be important.

3. Two years ago when I lived in Slippery Rock Pennsylvania, When I first moved there, everybody was asking me why I moved there. They said that this place has nothing to do and is one of the worst places to live due to the fact that everybody was a farmer, was a redneck, or they were just crazy. After living there for a year, I found out that some of those things were true, but there were a lot of nice people that I met and ended up being friends with. Go to the internet to learn more.

4. By putting facts about a certain area in a game would make the people that play the game not think of the place as one that is bad.

Monday, September 12, 2011


It has been a while because of all the updating and internet being down so now we are all finally back on blogger. today we have the AMAZING Mr. Seabolt as a sub. We get to play these games today and supposed to critique tomorrow, so expect a very critical critique for the games.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Numero Dos

Looking back at my first blog post I realized how small the phot's came out to be. I wish that I could make them larger and actually look half decent.

môj prvý blog príspevok

This is my first blog post and if you know Slovakian, then you would have know that I said that already. The Pittsburgh Steelers, Pirates, and Penguins are my favorite teams to root for. The only major sport that Pittsburgh does not have is basketball; there is college basketball, but not the NBA. My favorite NBA team is the Dallas Mavericks.

Sidney Crosby, is my favorite hockey player and Troy Polumalu is my favorite football player.

I commented on these Blogs, Brittney, Trenton, J$$$